Tuesday, December 17, 2013

YouTube show: The Bottle Opener

The First episode of 'The Bottle Opener' youtube show is now ready for your viewing eyes! And I had a ton of fun making it too! Of course, like any "firsts" there are a lot of learning curves and hurdles that need to be addressed and overcome.

On the technical side of things, I need to think more about filming multiple takes of scenes, especially since I'm committed to doing the show completely unscripted. That adds a lot of pressure for coming up with things off the top of my head, but the idea is that I don't want to be "acting" through my scenes.  On that same note, my show has a few classroom gimmicks such as history lessons and 'in the kitchen' instructions. I move these sections along with my very dry sense of humour. Heck, even the background music choices are meant to be subtle jabs at the cheesy music often used in these things. Along the way, I seemed to pick up a bit of cheese too, though. So dry humour will stay, but toned down by ridiculousness and slapstick.

My next biggest hurdles to cross are going to be video editing, sound quality, and video quality. For the editing, this is a matter of practice and patience. As for sound quality, I'm going to have to find temporary fixes until I can budget enough money to getting another microphone. Sadly the microphone I have is not ideal for capturing noise at a distance, but I'm stuck using it for the time being.

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